...as Fozzy and Kermit once crooned.
And we are, indeed, moving right along.
Here are a few snapshots of our apartment, filled to the brim with boxes and bags looking for a new home...Stuff that seeks to be placed in unpurchased bookcases, drawers, and baskets.
I had always been proud of the fact that D and I are not "collectors" of stuff. We keep things pretty streamlined.
Or so I thought.
And then, I spent about 15 hours putting everything in boxes. Holy crap! It sure looks like a lot when you package it up!
Well, good, bad or otherwise, that's the update.
Love from behind a tower of packages,
p.s. - Remmie is wondering what the HECK is going on. He just roams in the small spaces between boxes sniffing and looking around.
Yes, Rem...most prized feature of the new apartment...you are indeed coming with us.
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