I was biking home from school yesterday when I saw a woman in the not-so-far distance walking not one but TWO little Shelties. I caught up with her and started asking all about her dog relatives. Her name is Marry (yes, with two R's) and she and her husband got their first Sheltie ten years ago (a little sweetheart named Katootje..."little gift"). Katootje was so wonderful, they decided to breed her. Enter: Lotje (short for Charlotte). Marry wanted to walk her girls over to our house to meet Remmie.
So there they were...mom, daughter and an all-enthusiastic Rembrandt...in our living room. Remmie was beside himself. He was so excited and yet a total gentleman. (You have to wonder if dogs and cats have special affection for animals of the same breed.)
I forsee a beach or park date in his near future! What a fun afternoon.
OH TERRIFIC!!! Jack, Janet. ..who gets to be Chrissy? I love it!! Charlie says he'll be Mr. Furley . .
Jolies dad here.....Charlie wants to know how Remmie is doing? From one survivor to another.
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