"I was standing...you were there...two worlds colliding..."
My, my, my...how the unplanned extension to my trip has provided me all sorts of wonderful surprises. This one, I could not have drawn up from the most far-fetched reaches of my mind.
Hundreds of moons ago, I was approached by a couple of senior guys (I was merely a freshman) who had heard I played the piano. They were looking for someone to play keyboard in their band. Was I interested?
Nineteen years later, I think aout it and a smile my heart thinking about what I said yes to, having no idea that the experience would be the tool to carve large portions of my future.
I was going on 15 years of age, and I got to make music with five (count 'em...FIVE) senior guys, who were the coolest, sweetest guys anyone could know. Andy, Greg, Lance, Jim and Jerry (with an occasional appearance by Denny, who left the band before I joined). We would meet up in the basement of anyone whose parents were willing to tolerate the high decibel, rugged sounds of our musical team....The Natives.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. In my adolescent world of playing all over the place and doing neat things, it wasn't until I was a rock star that I knew the burden of being so dang cool. Oh yes...I was down with it. All of it.
And I loved these guys.
I had five extra big brothers who looked out for me ("When should we bring Lynn home, Mrs. Hutchinson?"), taught me about chords and licks, and talked to me about life and love...all before my 11pm curfew.
As it turns out, we have all found wonderful soul mates with which to spend our lives. Andy recently got married in California, where he now lives. Fortunate for all of us, his parents hosted a Minnesota reception. And we were all there. For the first time in ten years, we were all together.
Having been there, I can't imagine having missed this chance. I don't think I broke my smile the entire night. I got a chance to look each of these guys in the eyes and laugh and reminisce. My mind was speaking the same message to each of them so loud and clear, I thought my inner ear was going to burst..."Because of you, my life is what it is. Your presence in my life really left a beautiful impression. I am so grateful for that."
Honestly. Would I have been playing keyboards for John Torres the night I met Dave if it weren't for The Natives?
So many people come and go in a lifetime. And that's reality. But these guys will always hold a very special place in my heart. And they can never tear us apart...
Thank you Natives!!!!!!!
Only cool people can casually quote INXS. Natives, I thank you personally. ..had Lynn not begun performing in groups, our paths would have never crossed, and my world would bathe in a bit less sunshine because of it.
Rock on, music men!
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